Tag: kara no kyoukai

The Garden of Sinners: A View from Above

One day, I took the main street route home. This was unusual for me, just a whim of the moment. I had been walking, not thinking about anything in particular, down the street—that street whose buildings I was so tired of looking at—when someone fell from above….

Faust Volume 1 Nasu and Takeuchi Interview (The Garden of Sinners)

This interview was conducted with the creators of The Garden of Sinners novel, Kinoku Nasu and Takashi Takeuchi, on the occasion of the theatrical release of the first anime adaptation of The Garden of Sinners. This revolutionary novel required an equally revolutionary anime treatment, which was what studio ufotable gave it: Each of the novel’s seven chapters will be adapted as fifty-minute anime features and released to theaters. The interview also includes the creator’s thoughts on the American debut of their work in this edition of Faust….